Stacy Parker Le Melle is the Vice President of Development and Communications for Futuro Media. She has spent nearly four years stewarding and cultivating funding support for Futuro’s independent, nonprofit journalism and original programming, with a heavy concentration on institutional funding. As IDD, she is focused on individual giving as well—showing appreciation and care for current and past donors, and inviting new donors into our community. In addition, Stacy is an author, teacher, and non-profit administrator who previously served as communications director and workshop director for the Afghan Women’s Writing Project. She is a 2020 NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellow for Nonfiction Literature. She is the author of Government Girl: Young and Female in the White House (Ecco/HarperCollins) and served as primary contributor to Voices from the Storm: the People of New Orleans on Hurricane Katrina and Its Aftermath and created The Katrina Experience: an Oral History Project. She recently served as a parent representative and communications chair for the Manhattan Country School Board of Trustees. She founded the community effort Harlem Against Violence, Homophobia, and Transphobia and co-founded and curates Harlem’s First Person Plural Reading Series. She previously served in the Clinton West Wing as both an aide and advance person.